'cookieChoices = {};' Undeterred WITH PHOTOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE - Moving forward

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Once upon a time there was a young man named Pormula van Beginner. He recently bought a used Canon 400D and 18-55 kit lens. Glad not to play because he had long kumpulin money to buy this photographic equipment. Then, as more people are learning more getol2 photographing her, she went hunting together. Just be sure that makes intimidated turns in the event that a lot of people on the show photographic equipment life much nicer and newer than the equipment. It makes him rada-rada minder, especially if meeting people who carry white bazooka. There were also some people who take a bazooka white approached him as he told me if you wear like a camera lens kit and had he not could probably make a good photograph. Si Pormula happens minder added. Then he saw the young child who photographed wearing a tiny camera that seemed old-fashioned camera. She thinks: “Well there is also a camera smaller than nih my camera.” He asked to the young man how much the camera. The boy replied: “Oh, this Fuji X100s, cheap really. Just be 12 million.” Si Pormula added headache. Si Pormula then love questions to the photography community. Classic question which always invites fairytale 1001 nights: “The camera and what lens is right for me?”. Because in the community, the number of man (Pithecanthropus Erectus) of his lot, then the answer is yes Miscellaneous. There are cynics say: “This question lagi..Bosan.” “Google doooong!” There also are trying to help with a question: “Budgetmu how?”. Asked budget, the Pormula bit confused because his savings cuman 500 thousand rupiah. Even then divided into a lot of change. Instant noodles Food aja nationality. But let me not be ashamed he replied: 5 million. After many people love feedback, he just says: “Thank you my friends. I like saving first.” Because the Pormula said so, many are upset … But one thing Pormula not know. Many of them are cynical and angry, actually have the same problem with Pormula. Want to buy a more advanced photographic gear, but alas not until the bag. Dear friends, Who would deny that it is an important tool for making photography better photos? To be sure, if we take pictures racing car kit lens wear do not be surprised if suddenly our eyes dark and when we wake suddenly we were in the hospital. Likewise, if we go into the woods and shoot a tiger with a kit lens. Do not be surprised if you suddenly embraced by the tiger …. mesranya by veteran wedding photographer who was respected as Neil Van Niekerk was never reluctant to buy a new photographic gear. If there is confusion regarding questions such classics as Niikon vs Canon, should read his blog. He had an answer for many years he held the Canon and Nikon. He once said: “In order to grow as a photographer, obviously would be helpful if your equipment does not become a bottleneck.” Buy the gear best you can buy. “Naturally, many pro photographers (within the meaning of photography into food and clothing) and photographer hobby that does advice vanNiekerk although it may not have heard the name of Mr. Niekerk. In fact, often by way of extreme until the debt going about here, which which has never been suggested by Mr. Niekerk himself. But unfortunately that happened was sad ending. As happened in my colleague, photographer in the area who are forced to buy Canon 5D but to pay rent for the studio he still fireworks flared. Predictably next his efforts to disperse. so did my friends who like photography are forced to buy expensive equipment to owe going about here and ended a few months later he was forced to sell at prices murah.Marilah us admit: Buying photographic equipment was not cheap. If we buy gold bullion in 1995 and we sell this year, can be estimated how much profit we can? But if we buy the camera in the same year and we sell now, how tuh a price drop? Neil Van Niekerk did not lie, but we must know who he is and what fees he can to hire him. To be sure her fee is not cheap and a lot of its customers, so natural that she dared to aggressively invest in buying new gear. Back to the crux of the matter: Is that our gear is limited, meaning there is no hope for us to produce fine works? Ininya time we hear again the words that perhaps we are already tired of hearing “The person behind the gun”. That’s very true. Not only do the tools of photography gear on the market. The photographic tools including our eyes, our ears not to mention all five senses. Not forgetting our brains, our hearts and all that we can maximize to create photo bagus.Itulah why photographs aged for decades the work of great photographers from the old days of Edward Steichen, Horst P. Horst to George Hurrell which created by ancient photographic equipment can still embarrass FG works today. Because they use the tools that exist within them to the maximum so as to make their work alive even though its creators had died long ago. Actually, today we should be grateful. Photographic equipment we are simple though still better than those used by pro photographers decades ago that looks ancient and often looks haunted. A decade ago, portrait and wedding photographers legendary Monte Zucker still very proud photographic equipment which he praises sky-high praise. What is that? Hold the breath …. Canon 10D and Canon 28-135 lens. Imagine … Though Canon Rebel class cameras today there are many advantages when compared to the Canon 10D. But still, the photographs of Mr. Zucker is still alive until now even though its gone. Give thanks to the photographic equipment that we have. If we have not much fortune to buy a new one, enjoy and maximize what we have now. Mr Ken Rockwell never write a good article: “Your Camera Does not Matter”. It was strange to a camera reviewer like Mr. Rockwell writes articles beginian. But this is really good writing material for contemplation. If we buy a used golf equipment Tiger Wood’s what we can automatically play golf as great as Tiger Woods? That statement is as ridiculous as “If we use what we automated Shell oil can be good at racing?” Let us hone our ability. We hone our instincts, our imagination, our brains and all our senses. Maybe we do not have expensive gear today. But we have gear that is always with us. Never feel inferior if we have not the time to buy expensive photographic equipment. But instead we should be ashamed if we jam
med photographic skills and did not develop. It’s time we slapped our cheeks to learn and work harder. Happy shooting all of you … NB: There is no intention at all of this paper to offend anyone. I cuman intend to share experiences and observations on a fellow photographer. If there are words that offend please forgive, if there are words that are pleasing hopefully continue to be remembered

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